Wireless Noise and all Mountain Wireless-related web sites strive
to provide consumers with transparency, and in that spirit, we would
like to share how we generate income to maintain these web sites. Some of the advertisers with products
or services on our sites may pay us a commission when customers
purchase certain products or click on their ads. This compensation enables us to maintain our ever-growing collection of wireless information, for which we are not paid.
We normally do not receive any payment for posting about any specific products or
services, but if we do, we'll note it. We do include some of our advertisers and their products
among our posts, but we are not compensated to do so. The analysis and
opinions on our sites are those of the Mountain Wireless staff and
follow our guidelines to ensure editorial integrity. We believe you are
entitled to fair and accurate information. As wireless customers
ourselves, we attempt to put the consumer first.
we feature many wireless products and services on our sites, we can't feature every product available on the
market. We often include the wireless advertisers with
which we have a relationship among our reviews and reports, however, we
do not receive any payment for any such inclusion. We admit to
being opinionated, but we also aim for accuracy. However, we cannot
guarantee that accuracy in the fast-changing world of wireless.
appreciate your trust in using our site for information and using our
links to research products and services. We strive to be transparent
about activity for which we receive compensation.
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