A few weeks ago we gave kudos to T-Mobile for giving Verizon
a good run for their money as they finished the download derby in almost a tie. More recently, the
Root Metrics measurements put Verizon back in first place for performance in both local and national performance. We report this to keep from appearing like
T-Mobile fanboys. To be fair, the RootMetrics reports on network
performance, not coverage, which is why
Sprint continues to do well even though they do it in fewer locations.
Yes, RootMetrics is a bit more credible in this measurement, but after years of marginal coverage compared to the Top 2 carriers, there has been such a huge improvement with T-Mobile, primarily using their newly-acquired 700 MHz spectrum, we can't help but note how far they have come. 700 MHz provides better building penetration in urban areas and longer distance coverage in rural areas. We presume that T-Mobile will add to these "low-band" holdings to further expand this better coverage in areas where they are not yet available.
I recently had a discussion with a reader about how T-Mobile has made inroads into
Montana, a state that we did not expect a carrier like T-Mobile to ever cover well, but it looks like they will, soon. With even more recently-acquired spectrum there, we expect improvements in the Big Sky state. However, I will give credit to
Verizon Wireless for giving us faster downloads and more reliable connections so we can post those pictures of us posing with the bears in
Yellowstone National Park. What better use can we ask of our spectrum?