A few months ago we reported that Verizon Communications was planning on replacing a large of number of wired telephone customers in Long Island with wireless boxes. The plan was to replace telephone service to those areas destroyed by Hurricane Sandy in a far less expensive manner, especially since the residents in that area were not very big telephone users and may not replace their landlines anyway, it seemed like a good idea. At the time the FCC saw otherwise. They thought not rebuilding the wired network may have dangerous ramifications.
Since then there has been a change in thinking. AT&T proposed adding only coaxial cable (or fiber) to new installations in Florida as an experimental trial. This time to FCC says it's worth a try. After all, why install a few pair of wires and a high-capacity pipe for all communications, especially when the same company, AT&T in this case, control both. So much for the 'twisted pair'. This is harder to clarify in areas like where I live where a different company controls each.
We have watched the trends and the CDC reports as of 2013, fully one third of US homes now have wireless as their only means of telephone communications. Many of these homes have cable installed in their homes, so it is likely they use cable as their broadband access, but not everybody. With the additional broadband growth of the wireless carriers today, we see that number should shrink as well. We are following the trend at our 'cut the cord' web site which was recently changed from The Unwired Home to Mountain Unwired to reflect the growing used of wireless in all of our devices wherever we are, no longer just at home.
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