Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Oh No, Sprint & T-Mobile Talk Again!

The T-Mobile and Sprint zombie that was hoped to be dead is once again alive!  You've probably heard this already and Mike Dano at Fierce Wireless offers a good explanation of why this is happening, and why now.  We agree that Sprint needs to be rescued, just not by T-Mobile.  The spectre of only 3 major carriers in the US is horrifying.  Yes, the new demands of spectrum and rising competition make the wireless world more complicated, but no matter how much we are told, "Bigger is Better," we still have no reason to believe it.

Just look at our neighbor to the north.  Canadian wireless users has cried for years about high prices. Their national government tried to expand the spectrum available, only to have what few new carriers appeared, be gobbled up by their Big 3.  Don't drink the Kool-Aid!  Make some noise.  The few visitors to this and similar sites may be the only ones who know the devil lurking just behind the "Bigger is Better" smoke screen.  All we need is a white knight with deep pockets, or an overwhelming amount of common sense at the federal government level.  We've been surprised before.  Is the man behind the curtain about to speak?

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