Our Wireless Roaming Web Pages were built primarily to share PRL's, SID's & MNC's for the various carriers so users could either control or predict the behavior of their cellular phone while roaming around the US. With so much consolidation in the wireless industry, there is far less roaming necessary and as a result, less need to consult our roaming databases. So our Roaming site has taken on a new focus: International Roaming.
We added a bunch of new pages and information about using your current phone outside the US, how to talk & text on the cheap, and what pitfalls to avoid. Our most popular pages were for Roaming in Mexico, but as the holidays were approaching, it looks like travelers were headed to other locations around the globe and on Cruise Ships. We also added a specific section for Canada.
Another popular feature is our Recommendations. The AT&T GoPhone and Cricket lead the pack for cheap short-term use in Canada & Mexico, with AT&T being the top roaming phone service for use around the globe, but definitely not the cheapest. Bon Voyage!
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