Why can't they get this right? Today, Verizon Wireless announced that they have "completed their purchase of Plateau Wireless". The problem is only a PART of Plateau's network has been purchased and we were one of only a few news services that clarified the deal last Spring. Plateau still maintains a wireless network in their previous coverage areas in New Mexico and west Texas, and will be making considerable improvements to that GSM network.
I spoke with Plateau's CEO Tom Phelps today to make sure that the deal hadn't changed. He was also a bit miffed that most of the wireless press still can't get the story right. Mr. Phelps also added that they were using the money from the Verizon transaction to upgrade their wireless network to 4G and adding fiber to their wired network.
We hate to see a small wireless company give up, but, in this case, Plateau made a creative move that will improve the wireless experience for many rural New Mexico and Texas cellular customers, whether they end up with Verizon or with a new and improved Plateau.
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