Monday, October 15, 2012

Your Mexico Vacation

Each year we update our Mexico wireless information, this year it's just ahead of the winter travel season.  We have so much new information we need list them:
  • MEXICO CELLULAR: This is our new entry point for all kinds of wireless information for Mexico travelers, including reviews on the Mexican wireless carriers.
  • USING YOUR US PHONE IN MEXICO: Can you just take your current phone with you?  Even more important: should you use that phone?
  • WIRELESS CALLING INSTRUCTIONS: We've tried to dig up all the oddities you might encounter when trying to make a wireless call in Mexico, and listed Helpful Tips.
  • ZOOMABLE MEXICO COVERAGE MAPS: We have added one of our most popular features of our Cellular Maps site for US carriers: Interactive Maps for Mexican carriers.
  • DATA ROAMING DANGERS!  There are horror stories of people just checking their email in Mexico and getting hundreds of dollars in data roaming charges!
Some of the Mexican wireless carriers have adopted US features like "Calling Circles" and Free Long Distance across Mexico and to the US.  These are things we have taken for granted here for years.  One of the disturbing trends is that T-Mobile and Sprint roaming charges are now approaching $2 a minute for calls within Mexico.  Shades of 1984!  GoPhone is still two bits (what's that?).

Have a good trip and email us with your wireless experiences.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was a very useful post...Recently I had to travel to Mexico and was afraid of handling the roaming charges...even though the thought of using WiFi provoked me...still...somewhere or the other I may have the need to use my data plan...and was really confused..Your post was useful in guiding me to the cheap plan from a local Mexico carrier with which my trip ended happily without the roaming charges.
Ofcourse, I unlocked my Blackberry from its carrier using the permanent unlock service of before leaving UK to access the other simcards.