AT&T will now allow their customers to "unlock" their iPhones (as they do with other models) after you have competed your 2-year obligation. You can Go to another wireless supplier, possibly staying on the AT&T network!
Coming #1:
With your newly unlocked AT&T iPhone, NET10 Wireless and StraightTalk invite you to get one of their nifty GSM SIM's to take advantage of their all-you-can-eat Talk, Text, and yes, Data plans, without a contract, and in some cases, on the same AT&T network.
Coming #2:
T-Mobile says 'Come On Over,' they're ready, willing and able to welcome all those AT&T customers bringing over their iPhone to take advantage of their more consumer-friendly plans, and possibly less-congested network.
Coming #3:
The iPhone is Coming to the networks of some smaller carriers: GCI Wireless in Alaska, Cellcom in Wisconsin and C Spire Wireless of Alabama and the South. In most cases it will be offered at a reasonable price.
Coming #4:
Straight Talk is expanding the Unlimited universe with their newest plan that includes Unlimited Talk, Text and Data to all of the US and now Mexico. You can buy a new StraightTalk phone or Come over with your AT&T iPhone, or any other unlocked GSM phone.
Right when we thought the Unlimited plans were going away, out Comes more. Let's Go...iPhone or no.
I have read this blog for about 3 years however after seeing you recommending ST and Net10 I had to pass along what happened to me.
Unlimited is not unlimited with NET10 and ST. If you either go over 2GB in a month or 100MB in a single day they can and will terminate your service. My sisters account was terminated for going over 2GB and my account was terminated for going over 100MB in a single day. You also loose your ability to port your number if they cut you off.
Use at your own risk if you actually care about things such as keeping your number
I came across this article on Google and all I can say is shame on the author. It would appear that this site must be getting paid by Tracfone to advertise in their blog.
"Coming #1:
With your newly unlocked AT&T iPhone, NET10 Wireless and StraightTalk invite you to get one of their nifty GSM SIM's to take advantage of their all-you-can-eat Talk, Text, and yes, Data plans, without a contract, and in some cases, on the same AT&T network."
You don't have to look far to find someone who has been wronged by this plan to the point of loosing their hard earned money and even having their service disconnected without warning and not being allowed to port their numbers.
I guess this shows how much money will make some one sell out.
I must admit, StraightTalk and their associated Net10 and Tracfone do have Terms of Services that are a mile long and full of exceptions and rules that could indeed make your "Unlimited" plan not really unlimited. And yes, (from their TOS) "Straight Talk may discontinue providing Service to you, discontinue your account, or discontinue providing connections to particular telephone numbers or types of Services used or called by you, that, in the sole judgment of Straight Talk: (1) appear likely to generate abnormally high call volumes or data usage and/or abnormally long average call lengths or data usage as compared to the usage of other Straight Talk customers." That's about as wide open an excuse they could ask for. We agree, you need to watch how you use it, and that their tactics are a bit extreme, but this is not unlike other carriers who make such limits that result in brick walls, throttling or cancellation.
To SOM, yes we can potentially get "paid by Tracfone to advertise" as we can by every other carrier and Prepaid in the US. We cannot control the ads placed on this page, and we often run the risk of irritating some of these advertisers with our commentary. In this case, we hoped to propose the possibilty of dropping AT&T or Verizon for the much cheaper services like StraightTalk or NET10, whose ads pay us far less that the "Big 4".
We probably should keep our mouth shut about this so we can make the bigger bucks from the bigger carriers. But what fun would that be?
To Bill
I am glad to see you acknowledge my posting instead of ignoring it. As to the comment about the big 4 also doing the same thing as far as TOS I agree however they are at least told they have to find a new wireless home and are given the chance to find a new provider and port out which is normally 15 or 30 days. In the case of the Tracfone companies they give 0 days. For every 1 person who pays attention to the fine print there are 3 who don't. So I would at lease hope you would acknowledge this so that some one else doesn't experience the same thing as the unfortunate others. There are a lot of people who look for the opinion of sites such as yours and probably use them to help make the decision as to what to do with their cellular service. Looking at your reviews I see that you give mention for example to Sprint's 50% roaming limit which most sites don't and I am sure has been helpful to people looking at Sprint service who maybe for example may have great sprint coverage where they live but spend time in areas where Sprint relies on roaming. Please give those who are looking at ST and NET10 the same chance by making the limitations known.
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