Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mexico Challenge #2

On our current trip to Mexico, we’re suffering through an early monsoon season and a series of wireless problems that have reversed our opinion of Mexico cellular service, 180 degrees.

After our disappointing experience with TelCel, we hoped Movistar would be far more consumer friendly…but our hopes were quickly dashed. As usual, finding Movistar phones, SIM’s and refills are much harder to find than TelCel’s. But if you read Movistar’s web site, the page concerning roaming in Mexico, written in English, they claim all kinds of favorable service for Americans roaming here, so the search should be worth it right? Wrong!

All we wanted was to have our menu prompts changed to English so we can add minutes, make calls and choose various features, like TelCel’s Amigo service. Unlike American carriers, there’s no “for English Press 2” at Movistar. Do they actually bother to have employees speak English? We’re beginning to think not. Tomorrow, we'll climb the Movistar stone wall.

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