As the day Verizon Wireless takes over most of Alltel approaches, we have heard from a small group of clever Alltel users who have chosen not to allow themselves to become customers of Verizon. This group is taking our advice one step further and taking the pro-active step of "moving" their Alltel account to a market to be divested by Verizon.
These people are using a variety of methods to remove themselves from the path of the oncoming Verizon steamroller. Some are changing their phone number to one in a divested market, others are changing their account billing address, and a few are doing both in the hopes of avoiding Verizon's clutches...or advantages.
Don't panic! With the merger officially occurring this Friday, January 9th, you should still have a chance to escape the Verizon takeover after the fact. While Verizon will try to woo you into their fold with enticing deals, you may also have the chance to escape and join whatever the divested Alltel areas become. And that list is growing: Add Sprint, Revol Wireless, Metro PCS and others to the list of possible suitors to the cast off Alltel areas. Just show me the money.
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